
Beef Tongue 

(1)   one whole beef tongue

(2)   one star anise

(3)   a slice of ginger

(4)   50ml of soy sauce

(5)   50ml of rice wine

(6)   half tea spoon of salt

(7)   2cm^3 cube of rock sugar ( can be substituted with a tea spoon of normal sugar )

(8)   White parts of 3 scallions ( green parts saved for garnish)

(9)   a pinch of Chinese five spices powder – optional



Cook the beef tongue in boiling water for 1 to 2 mins and discard the water. Rinse the tongue and scrub the pot to remove any residue. Combine all the ingredients in the pot and add water to slightly cover the beef tongue. ( Do not add excessive water.)  Bring to boil over high heat and lower the flame to simmer for 3 to 4 hrs. Turn off the heat and leave the tongue to stay in the broth until it is cool. It should be easy now to tear off the tongue skin. You may slice the tongue as German beef tongue sausage and garnish with scallion. Refrigerate the tongue with broth up to 4 days or freeze it without broth.



哪裡買牛舌頭?基本上,我們現在大多只買有機的肉類,所以不是去Wholefood Market就是去跟有機農場的人直接買,因為美國人不愛吃牛舌,所以價格非便宜,所以有機會,我們就會買一點。在Virginia這的Wholefood什麼都有,小牛心、小牛腎、牛尾‧‧‧。其中小牛腎是我在巴黎吃到超好吃的食材之一。但是沒想到,那天買了成牛的腎。回家一煎,挖哩勒,草腥味非常重,我只吃了幾口就吞不下去。阿德還說好吃‧‧‧果然吃牛內臟長大的德國人對牛的器官接受度,比我這號稱什都敢吃的台灣人大!

PS:解凍後或未冰凍的牛舌,長的有點可怕。不過,只要牙一咬,川燙過後就會比較好一點。滷過之後跟德國的 Beef tongue sausage很像。


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